Leo Bassi actuará en el V Festival Internacional de teatro Sib Altera '2006 que se celebra estos días en Rusia (del 19 al 26 Noviembre en Novosibirsk, Siberia).
International theatre festival Sib-Altera has been created in Novosibirsk in 2000. Mission of festival - to assist to a new theatrical art in its promotion through the world, including geographically distant areas of Russia, where cultural inquiries are high but there are less opportunities to see originally new art, than in the European countries and in the center of Russia.
2 comentarios
Dear Leo,
I'm a German photographer living in Novosibirsk. Tonight I had the great pleasure to sit on the balcony of DKЖ in secure enough distance to your Coca-Cola orgy.
I will never trust a man in a black suit again......
The was the nicest birthdaypresent I made myself. And when you stood there "honeyed and featherd" , and declared, you are only an old crazy man, I was touched to tears. By letting me see you like that, you gave me back some of my dignity. Beeing a woman of 52 years, my body is as beautiful as yours. But I will try to follow your example and loose more and more of my dignity. And by that come closer and closer to myself.
Thank you very much!! I'll try to see you again.
You would be someone to love, but I am sure there are already loads of people doing just that.
If I believed in god, I would say , god bless you. But I don't, so I bless you myself
Susanne Staets | 26 Noviembre 2006
'Je ne suis pas d'accord avec un mot de ce que vous dites, mais je me battrais jusqu'à la mort pour votre droit de le dire'. Voltaire
'Mi intención: ofender. Soy un fundamentalista del laicismo. Siento tolerancia cero hacia los creyentes'. Bassi
Bassi, eres una pura contradicción y un oportunista.
oportunista | 19 Diciembre 2006